Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It's Almost Time For Baby

The title says it best it's almost time for baby. The next person that ask me if I'm ready for sleepless night I'm going to slap I don't sleep now so when Ethan is here what the difference, and the next person that ask me if I am scared YES but do I show it NO. Any who his room is painted and all decked out in firemen stuff i don't know why LOL. As for my beautiful wife I'm going to miss the baby bump it's so cute the way she wobbles through the house. I can feel something through her belly I'm thinking it's a foot cause I can make him kick sometimes. Waiting for the big day.

1 comment:

  1. It is very cute that you are scared lol. If you werent I would worry. Kelie and I are here for support and advise. I have even volunteered to come down a few days and help her get the seing of things if she needs it. I am an expert at babies and tricks to get them to stop bitching lol. Call me when we are in labor.
